Not only are floods detrimental and deadly natural disasters, but they can also be dangerous after the floodwaters recede. In addition to leaving behind snakes, gators, and other water-dwelling creatures and potential property damage, floodwater can damage El Paso’s clean water supply.
The water that gets washed in and left behind after a flood isn’t clean. In most cases, it’s contaminated and will contaminate anything it comes into contact with, including freshwater supplies. Contact us online or call (915) 593-8833 for more details on how to ensure your family’s water is safe.
How Does Flood Water Affect Fresh Water?
Flood waters can contaminate all water supplies, including wells, city water, or natural springs. While floodwater might seem clean on the surface since it is rain, this is far from the truth. As rain falls to the earth, it comes into contact with pollen, radiation, and other contaminants in the sky above us.
After it falls to the ground, rain comes into contact with other contaminants. Anything from microorganisms to sewage to chemicals and waste can get into rainwater after it hits the earth. Therefore, you should use your standard water supply because floodwater will inevitably combine with it. You shouldn’t use this water for drinking, washing, cooking, or cleaning until it’s received municipal wastewater treatment in El Paso.
Ramifications of Contaminated Fresh Water
Another downside of floodwater contaminating fresh water supplies is that it’s extremely difficult to treat the water through normal municipal water treatment measures. Adding flood water on top of the normal water supply means there might be too much water to treat it effectively. Wastewater treatment companies will have to add more chemicals and products to the water to purify it.
Unfortunately, this process takes time, which is inconvenient when you rely on water for many everyday activities. However, even a small amount of contaminated flood water can damage an entire reservoir or clean water supply holding area.
What to Do When Your Water is Contaminated With Flood Water
If there has been recent flooding in the El Paso area, you should refrain from using your usual water supply. Wait until you hear from local authorities that the water has received an El Paso municipal wastewater treatment and is ok for drinking, cleaning, and other uses. In the meantime, you should use bottled water for drinking and cleaning.
However, if you don’t have access to bottled water, you also have the option of purifying your own water. You can do this by boiling it on your stove or over a fire to kill microorganisms and other contaminants in the water. However, you should only do this as a last-case scenario and rely on bottled water first.
What Can Happen When You Drink Contaminated Water
Drinking contaminated water will result in severe sickness or death in some cases. The more contaminated water you drink, the sicker you will become. However, it also depends on what type of contaminants are in the water. Unfortunately, without testing equipment, you’ll have no way of knowing. This is why municipal water treatment is essential. Here are some of the possible ramifications of drinking or using contaminated water.
- Serious nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and gastrointestinal distress
- Infection if the water contacts an open wound or sore
- Rashes and other skin infections
- Tetanus
- Death in extreme cases
Who to Contact for All Your El Paso Wastewater Treatment Needs
If you’re in El Paso and you’re worried about water contamination, look no further than Clowe and Cowan. We’re municipal water treatment and wastewater treatment specialists who can ensure you and your family have clean water. Call (915) 593-8833 to learn about our process and for peace of mind that your water is contaminant-free.